Grantees: Equipment Grants

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2024-2025 Quarterly Equipment Grants Awarded

Barra School - $2,000
Cabot School - $1,736
EFMHS - $2,000
Good Shepherd's Little Lambs - $2,000
Lake Champlain Community Sailing Center - $1,626
Lil' Sunshine Child Care Center, Inc - $1,924
Lund - $2,000
Morristown After School Program dba: Clubhouse Kids - $2,000
Putney Central School - $2,000
Reinbow Riding Center - $760
Springfield Area Parent Child Center - $1,350
Sunrise Family Resource Center - $1,985
Teen Center - $609
Vermont Family Network - $1,999
Winston Prouty Center for Child and Family Development - $2,000