Thank you for your interest in applying for a VCTF Program Grant. 2025-26 Program Grant Applications are now closed.
Please read the program grant guidelines below, then register at the bottom of the page to begin any VCTF application.
The Vermont Children’s Trust Foundation Grants are for primary prevention programs, serving children ages 0-18. These programs strive to reduce the likelihood of juvenile delinquency, truancy, substance abuse, child abuse and other socially destructive behaviors before intervention by authorities, through strength-based activities in a community-based setting. These programs:
- Affirm and promote positive family functioning;
- Work to positively impact societal forces that affect parents, children and youth;
- Strive for coordinated and effective youth services, including service to at-risk youth;
- Promote racial equity and reduction of race disparities.
Application Timeline
- January: Applications available online
- March: Applications due March 12, 2025
- June: Notifications sent to all applicants
- Mid-late Summer: Funding available to successful applicants who have signed grant agreements and submitted all required documentation.
Please note: You may apply for programs occurring during the summer of 2025, however, notification will not occur until June and initial funding will not occur until September.
Equity and Inclusion
Successful proposals will discuss how your project or proposal advances the equity and inclusion of underrepresented populations you serve.
State Outcomes and Protective Factors for Proposals
VCTF funding will support proposals that address one of the following State Outcomes:
- Vermont’s families are safe, nurturing, stable, and supported.
- Vermont’s children and young people achieve their potential.
In addition to the State Outcomes, applicants should incorporate one or more of the following Strengthening Family Protective Factors or Youth Thrive Protective and Promotive Factors in their grant application:
- Parental Resilience
- Youth Resilience
- Social Connections
- Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development
- Knowledge of Adolescent Development
- Concrete Support in Times of Need
- Cognitive, Social and Emotional Competence of Children
Types of VCTF Program Grants:
One Year Program Grants: These grants are available to support the planning and implementation of new prevention programs in planning or assessment to determine if the community wishes to explore a program in the future. Think pilot program. If successful, organizations may later apply for a three year grant to sustain programming. These grants are up to $12,000.
Three Year Program Grants: These grants are up to $15,000 for the first year, with a possibility for continued funding for up to two (2) additional years. These grants are provided to organizations that have conceptualized a program idea and have confidence in their ability to create and sustain the program into the future. The amount of funding provided in years two and three of these grants will be reduced by approximately 15% each year as it is expected that the organization will obtain funding from additional sources as the program expands. For example - if you are awarded $12,000 in your first year, your second year will be reduced by 15% ($1,800) to $10,200 and year three will be $8,670.
Please note: If you apply for a three year grant for a pilot program, VCTF may decide to fund for one year at a maxmum of $12,000 and ask that you reapply for a three year grant during the next grant cycle.
Eligibility requirements for VCTF applications
- Demonstrate how the program will use the award to reduce the likelihood of juvenile delinquency, truancy, substance misuse, child abuse and other harmful behavior before the intervention by authorities.
- VCTF will not fund organizations that discriminate against certain groups or individuals in the delivery of programs and service on the basis of race, religion, national origin, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability.
- VCTF only funds private non-profits, schools, and public entities (town government, ie: rec departments, libraries, etc.) VCTF does not fund individuals or for-profit organizations.
- Programs cannot be targeted exclusively to a group that has come to the attention of authorities.
- Participation in programs is voluntary, open to the general public with activities that will help reduce the likelihood of child abuse, substance use, domestic violence, school truancy, school dropouts, teen pregnancy and other high-risk behaviors. Participation cannot be mandated by authorities.
- VCTF gives preference to new programs or expansions of existing programs.
- VCTF does not fund construction projects.
- PLEASE NOTE: If your organization is currently receiving grant funding for a three year grant, you may not apply for another program grant until the term of the three year grant is complete. You may apply for an equipment grant.
- Applicants must be in good standing with respect to, or in full compliance with, all taxes due the State of Vermont.
- All regulated child care programs must be in good regulatory standing with the Child Development Division in order to receive funding.
- Applicants must be up to date with the filing of all reports for any previous VCTF grants awarded.
VCTF Grant Period: If awarded a VCTF grant, awards will be issued in mid-to late summer for programs to run September 1, 2025 through August 31, 2026.
In order for your application to be considered:
- The application format must be followed and be complete.
- The purpose of your grant request must match guidelines for VCTF grants.
Completing your application:
- Once registered, you may begin your application. Please save your work often as you progress through the steps. You may pause and save your application at any point and return to your saved application by logging into your application dashboard. Once you finalize and submit your application, you will not be able to edit or add to your application.
- All applications are required to be submitted electronically. You may prepare answers offline, then copy and paste into the online application.
- If you are using a fiscal agent, you are required to give us the fiscal agent’s Tax ID information and mailing address.
- Attachments will not be accepted after the application has been submitted. Be sure you have included your program budget and organization budget before you submit your applications. For an example of a successful program budget, click here.
How do we decide who to fund?
Programs are vetted, reviewed and evaluated in May, by a panel of over 20 community volunteers (including pediatricians, educators, business leaders and others.) When completing your application, you should assume that the people reviewing your application are unfamiliar with your organization and any past work that you have accomplished with VCTF funding.
Reporting requirements:
- All programs selected for funding will be responsible for providing VCTF with mid-term and final reports.
- All programs selected for funding shall participate in a site visit once during the grant period and will complete a corresponding site visit report.
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: For questions about the grant applications please contact or call 802-951-8604.
All grant applications are due on or before midnight Wednesday, March 12, 2025. We are unable to grant extensions.