Become a Corporate Supporter of THE POLAR EXPRESS™ Train Ride

Shining Star, Gold and Silver support

Our Shining Star, Gold and Silver supporters are the engine that power our event.  These lead supporters are promoted throughout the event and are provided with complimentary tickets, access to purchase additional tickets and VCTF will donate tickets in your name to local children’s organizations. 

Corporate Bell Ringer Support

Your business can support The 2025 Polar Express™ Train Ride as a CORPORATE BELL RINGER with a donation of $500 to $2,000. We will publish your business name in the event songbook as a supporter of the event and of VCTF. You and your employees will also have the opportunity to purchase from 10 to 40 tickets during our advance ticket sales period, depending on your level of support. 

Click HERE to review our corporate supporter levels and benefits.

THE POLAR EXPRESS™ Train Ride photos courtesy of Stephen Mease Photography.

THE POLAR EXPRESS and all related characters and elements © & ™ Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.